...But what if it doesn't?

Freedom is being able to do exactly what you want...
and yet discipline is the exact opposite.
Discipline is about control and structure and doing things a certain way.
Even more Discipline is often associated with doing something wrong.
We discipline children when they do something wrong.
Prisoners, they are being disciplined through their time in jail for something they have done wrong.
We have disciplinary action taken against us in the work place when we are not performing.
So what has this got to do with FREEDOM?
After all Freedom is exactly the opposite of what I have just described right?
Freedom is what most people are seeking above anything else.
People want to have financial freedom...
However, to get financial freedom you have to work hard, study hard.
Save you money, not buy things that you don't need.
You have to control you impulses.
Instead you take that money and invest it into things that will give you a good return over a period of time....
The gratification is delayed....
So in order for you to have financial freedom, you must have financial discipline.
Let's look at free time, so many of us want more free time...
More free time will enable us to spend more time doing the things we want...
To spend time with our families...
Our kids...
but, how do we get more free time?
By having a more disciplined time schedule...
By saying no to things that are not productive...
Because when we say yes to these things they eat up our time and don't give us anything in return.
If you want to have freedom to move around more and be more active, you have to have the discipline to eat healthy and exercise.
In the work place...
If you want to give your team more freedom to be creative and achieve more....to give you more freedom to do other things...
Then you have to have a disciplined team, with boundaries.
A team that know and understand the procedures and won't go outside the bounds of what is acceptable...
Once they have that discipline, you can let them run wild, because they have the discipline to stay within the boundaries.
You can apply this to your children too.
Discipline actually equals freedom...
Yet so many people want to skip the discipline and move straight to freedom...
and as we can see, you cannot have freedom without discipline.
Perhaps it is time for us to change our perspective of "Discipline"
Because once we have changed that perspective....we can have the freedom to explore how discipline can empower us to more freedom...
What are your thoughts?
I would love to hear them, join the conversation....
Comment and share your thoughts...
stevebarker, Steve Barker, I am Enough Coaching, Leadership Coach, Personal Development Coach