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Writer's pictureSteve Barker

How you are sleep walking into the death of your business... and it's all your fault, not Covids.

Updated: Jan 9, 2021

Right now you're saying..."no I'm not"

Covid is impacting every single business.

The evidence becomes clearer and clearer each day...

However it won't be Covid that kills your business, it will be you...

and, you won't even know you're doing it.

Everyone is seeking certainty right now...

Nobody knows when this will end...

What it will look like afterwards...

and who will survive and who won't.

Emotions are contagious!

I am sure you will have experienced this...

You have had a tough day at work

you get home and as soon as you walk through the door...

Everyone wants a piece of you...

Your kids, your partner, wife or husband...

The dog included...

And all you want is some peace and space...

Someone asks you a simple question such as "what do you want for dinner"

You respond "I don't know....anything"

They come back with "alright, don't be snappy"

You say "I'm not"

and boom!! you're having an argument about nothing...


Because your emotions were reflected out from you without you even knowing it...

In your tone, body language, facial expressions, breathing and language.

You don't know it, but you slept walked into that argument.

They picked up on your emotions and felt attacked...

Your emotion infected them and they responded...

Now let's put this into perspective with regards to your business and Covid.

Covid is uncertainty in its purest form...

You are unconsciously worried....perhaps you are even consciously worried...

Worry and Uncertainty are emotions...

As we have discussed, you will infect others with your emotion.

This ripple effect will go through your team....your staff

That will then ripple out from your staff to your clients, your suppliers.

People don't like uncertainty when it is presented in this form...

So what do they do?

They seek out certainty...

We see this in every aspect of human behaviour...

They seek out the safety of certainty and if you are not providing that certainty...

They will find it elsewhere and they will go to it...

This could be another employer...

Another business providing the same as you...

They will go because you are not providing that feeling of certainty, safety and confidence...

Where will that leave your business?

Up ship creek!

Your staff need to feel certain that things will be OK.

You can do this in many ways, the very best way is by investing time and money into them...

Yes, I hear what you are thinking right now...

"Spend money on my staff....are you joking, I can hardly keep the business going....why would I waste money on that?"

Have you ever heard the phrase?

"put your money where your mouth is"


"money talks"

It is true, it will show that you are that confident in your business and in the talent of your staff that you will invest.

But what should you invest in?

How about some more training for them so they can do their job better?

Yeah, that will work....they will become even better at their job and be able to drive more income for the business...

But wait, how will your staff see it?

"Oh, here goes the boss again getting us to do something that will only benefit him/her and their business"

How about you give them something that will benefit you all...

How about you give them the opportunity to discover and unlock their own potential...

Help them to understand their behaviour, their choices, their decisions, their actions...

To discover how all of these impact relationships, moods and emotions...

Give them the gift of Personal Development ...

Now this is a win win....

Because, they will understand themselves and their colleagues better...

They will understand the needs of your clients and suppliers better...

They will understand the needs of their loved ones and friends better...

They will be able to make better, informed decisions that will positively impact everything they do...

Both professionally and personally...

They gain from it, you gain from it, the team gains from it....

Certainty will grow like a positive virus and the uncertainty that surrounds Covid will reduce to next to nothing...

How do I know this?

Because those business that are already doing this through the trainings I provide are thriving...

They are growing and taking on more staff because of it...

Why...because these businesses exude certainty...

It radiates out from them, their staff and their products like a beacon of hope...

People are attracted to it...

Certainty breeds sustainability and growth...

Embrace the uncertainty that Covid is creating right now, by investing in your best and biggest asset...

Your staff... meet their need for certainty...

Give them the skills to be in control of their lives...

I know what you are thinking now....

"Won't they just take these new skills and bugger off?"

Why would they?

Would you bite off the hand that is feeding you?

Helping you grow and improve your private life as much as your professional life?

The businesses I am working with have seen loyalty and commitment rise massively.

To discuss how this level of certainty can be developed within your business, you and team contact me.

steve@iamenoughcoaching.com or check out my website www.iamenoughcoaching.com

Here is what one of my clients has to say about the transformation they experienced and continue to experience.

Wherever you are in the world, Take care and be kind to yourself

Steve Barker

I am Enough Coaching

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