xq8o0d196956m2textwl9e1pgercvb How many times have you been over the handlebars of life?
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How many times have you been over the handlebars of life?

There you are....going along OK Then boom, your over the handle bars and heading for a world of hurt and there is nothing you can do to avoid it...

Has this ever happened to you?

It has happened to me more times than I care to mention... But, it is something that can be avoided...

Not, all the time, but the majority of the time...


By looking further down the road than you have in the past...

By knowing and understanding what sent you over the handlebars in the past...

Learning from the pain we experienced in the past...

I know, it sounds so obvious, but how many people do you know who keep doing the same things over and over again and keep getting hurt.

As I said, I have done it more times than I care to mention...

So if it is that easy, why are so many of us repeatedly going for a trip over the handlebars and landing in Hurt'sville?

Because we are creatures of habit...

We get comfortable and feel safe in doing things the same way... and this is why it is difficult to change.

So, how do we break this "cycle" (hahaha yes the pun is intended)?

By doing the Inner Work....because when we do the Inner Work, we recognise and understand our behaviours...this means we can recognise what works for us and what hurts us.

Even more, by doing the Inner Work, we know that change is good and we have the courage to embrace the uncertainty...

So, we can either continue flying over the handlebars of life...


We can do the Inner Work... The choice is yours. Follow this link for more information https://www.iamenoughcoaching.com/inner-work-workshop














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